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Pay your solar kit in up to 12 months installments

Pay your solar kit in up to 12 months installments

At Robinsun, our mission is to give every household access to the benefits of solar energy for self consumption. Part of this mission is to enable everybody to afford a plug & play solar kit. Today we announce the launch of an extended financing service in collaboration with Sequra, available in Spain, France, Portugal and Italy. Sequra allows you to pay your kit in up to 12 convenient monthly installments.

Why pay in installments?

Compared to bigger solar installations on rooftops that can cost tens of thousands of Euros, a plug & play solar kit is a very cheap alternative. Starting at just €449 (VAT & shipment included) for our Robinsun Performance 400, they also allow for a fast self-installation, so that you can start saving on your power bills from the moment you plug the solar kit into your household’s socket.

And still, for many households this is an expense that might exceed monthly budgets. Or you might simply want to pay the kit with the power savings on your bill, and then enjoy free solar energy for decades once you have the full kit paid off. This is why we’re launching payment in installments with Sequra, that allows you to pay your kit in up to 12 months at advantageous conditions.

How do I benefit from smaller monthly payments?

Since a plug & play solar kit reduces your power bills every month, you can spend those savings to pay for your kit if you pay in installments. As an example, if you save €20/month on your bill and pay €45/month in installments with Sequra, your kit is actually “costing” you only an additional expense of €25/month for the first 12 months. Your monthly budget will appreciate this. And after 12 months, when the kit is fully paid, it keeps saving you money every month for the rest of its lifecycle. Given that our panels come with the longest production warranties in the industry (30 years for our Robinsun Performance kits and 25 years for the Robinsun Light kits), decades of lower power bills await you.


Reduce the impact the purchase of a plug & play solar kit has on your monthly budget, paying for your kit in installments of up to 12 months with Sequra. This makes the purchase of a kit easy and affordable. You can use payment in installments not just for our solar kits, but on all products and services we offer, like batteries, certification (Spain only) or accessories. Just select Sequra as payment option in the checkout process and follow the easy steps to complete the payment with them. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at any time.


Hola Juan Carlos,
pronto vamos a tener una solución para casas aisladas, no conectadas a la red eléctrica. Contactanos por WhatsApp al +34 640 91 31 51 y te informamos.


Hallo Uwe,
wir bieten für Kunden aus Spanien, Portugal, Frankreich und Italien die Zahlung in bis zu 12 Raten mit seQura an über unsere Webseite. Beim Checkout einfach seQura als Bezahlmethode auswählen und den Prozeß folgen.

Alternativ können wir auch Zahlung mit Klarna in 3 Raten anbieten. Dazu a besten uns per WhatsApp (+34 640 91 51 31) kontaktieren.

Beste Grüße!


Ich suche ein balkonKraftwerk mit einer niedrigen Ratenzahlung. Mfg uwe yBösch

Uwe Bösch

Hola. Me gustaría obtener un presupuesto para un kit de sistema solar hasta 3000w. Es para una casita pequeña aislada. Si hacen ustedes la instalación , cuánto sería el precio total a pagar y si hay financiación cuanto seria la mensualidad..

Juan Carlos

Hola Alfredo, gracias por tu interés.
La financiación depende de los fraccionamientos que quieras realizar, lo puedes hacer en 3, 6 y 12 meses. Te facilito nuestro teléfono para poder hacerte un presupuesto personalizado acorde con tus circunstancias.
+34 640 91 31 51.


Precio kit solar de 6000 w con inversor y batería financiado.

Alfredo Ruiz Molina

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