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Solar panel on a balcony

Solar panels on your balcony - what is the best solution for you?

Balcony solar is a hot topic, as households living in apartments mostly have just their balcony to install solar panels onto. Before installing solar panels on your balcony you should consider a few key aspects to make sure you convert your balcony into a solar balcony the right way.

What type of solar panels are right for my balcony?

If you consider installing solar panels on your balcony, the first question that comes to mind is the weight of the panel and the installation process. Balcony installations of 1 or 2 panels can be done by everybody and have the advantage of not requiring an installer or electrician, as their output is usually lower than 800 W. But can you handle a panel that weighs 20-25 kg? And even more importantly, can your balcony’s railing support the weight and withstand possible wind on the solar panel? If the answer is yes, you’ll be able to enjoy a lot of free solar power from your solar panel on your balcony.

Alternatively, there are lightweight, flexible solar panels available, like the ones we use in our Robinsun Light kits. These weigh about 20% of a conventional solar panel, and produce about 70-80% of the output. They can be mounted using stainless steel cable binders in just a few minutes, and are a very convenient option for balconies.

How to maximize the production of my solar panels on a balcony

Wherever you install solar panels, their production will always depend on the angle and orientation of installation. On a balcony railing the orientation is normally given. If you’re lucky, it is south facing and you will produce the most. If it is East facing you will produce in the morning, West facing in the afternoon. The angle is trickier. In the northern hemisphere panels produce best at a 30-35 degree angle. That is almost impossible to achieve on a balcony railing,  but very much possible on a pergola or flat rooftop.

When installing solar panels on a balcony railing, already giving them a little angle, for example with our 60 degree mount, increases production significantly compared to a fully vertical installation. While there are mount solutions for conventional solar panels, for ultra-lightweight panels there aren’t any. And even if there were, the flexibility of these panels would make installation difficult. Of course you can always get a custom mount done to solve this issue, if you know how to do this and where.

Managing neighbors, city councils and regulations

When installing solar panels on your balcony, think about safety and regulations. Installing a conventional solar panel on a balcony at height with foot traffic under it might not be allowed where you live. But beware whom you ask, since we’ve heard of a lot of unqualified “no” answers to this question. Check the exact legislation.

Also be mindful of norms related to cultural heritage buildings in Europe’s city centers. Other norms might apply, that relate to installations on facades, that you might know from installing air conditioners, pergolas or awnings.

And last but not least, don’t forget your neighbors. You might be obliged by law to ask for permission. But beyond the law, experience shows us that there is always somebody around that has an objection to whatever you install in your balcony, whether that is a solar kit or anything else. Our advice: tell them how much you save with your plug & play solar kit, and how little you paid, and they might likely change their mind if they see they can save big as well.


In a nutshell, a balcony is a great place to install solar panels for households living in apartments, since it’s likely the only place that gets a lot of sunshine during the day that you can access for the installation. Respecting safety aspects and regulations is key, therefore buy your kit from an expert that can provide you with advice for your specific balcony and sells you kits that are safe, compliant and easy to install yourself. Try to give your kit an angle, to maximize production, and you will cut your power consumption in sunshine hours by quite a lot. This makes you save big on your power bills.

4 commentaires

Hello, first of all, thank you for your interest.
The price varies depending on the solar panels you can self-install on your balcony.
You can write to us by whatsapp or call us on +34 640 913 151, and one of our sales representatives will assist you in English, and will inform you without obligation.
Best regards.


What is the cost of solar power for a balcony apartment?

Renee Parsons

Francisco, gracia por tu pregunta.
Las repuestas a ambas preguntas sería si. Teniendo en cuenta la medida de tu balcón, puedes auto instalarte un tu kits solar Robinsun Light 300. En cuanto a la rentabilidad, dada las características de tu hogar, y teniendo en cuenta que el kit produce siempre que haya luz solar, obteniendo la máxima producción durante las horas que el sol le de directamente.
A esto se une que nuestras placas tienen 25 años de garantía de producción, así que disfrutaras muchos años de energía solar gratuita.


Tengo un balcón de 3 metros orientación oeste sería posible placas y serían rentables??

Francisco fernando Ramos Rodriguez

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